hasil ekstrak video ini, saya merasakan:
kadang-kadang, diri saya tak 'seimbang'. saya tak 'adil' menunaikan hak. saya tak rasional dalam 'menghukum', malah mungkin saya ada kecenderungan untuk berburuk sangka, dan berfikir yang bukan-bukan. paling buruk, bimbang akhirnya jatuh memfitnah apabila sering sekali bercakap-cakap, dan berkata yang tidak-tidak pada saudara seagama dan seakidah (Muslim).
dan pernah sekali, kata penyejuk hati saya;
"untuk bercakap sesuatu tentang Muslim (walau siapapun), adalah tanda dan nilai iman kita".
dan saya rasa, video ini sangat bermanfaat.
re-ju-ve-nate, buat
..hati-hati kita yang mungkin sedang kering.
antara yang ustaz nouman cakap, (separuh masa pertama):
"..but, as we 'grown up' with our religion, one of the things that start happening is, we start talking about the problem of our Muslims; the problem of the masjid, the problem of the world, the problem of politics, the problem of da'wah in America, the problems of some brothers and sisters in my college.."
"..the more religiously awaken you get after a while, your concern shifts from being concern about yourself to concern about others, you just worry about others, as knowing that you have already been resolved.."
"..the more you are out there in activism and doing things, it is very natural tendency to forget about yourself. you start getting concern about your organization that you are serving, what the programme that you are putting together with, or whatever activities, and you start loosing yourself in the process.."
"..but you know what happened, when we present ourselves in public and we're out there all the time meeting with people, interacting with society and we're not prior ourselves much, you know what happened? we forget that there is a such a thing that also talking to yourself. there is such a thing as being reconnected with yourself..".
"..but you know what happened for some people? they put that 'face' out for so long, they even forget who they really are.."
" many of us have done the actual exercise of talking to yourself: here are my shortcomings, here is what is wrong with me; i tend to have an anger problem, i rushed into things, i start things and i don't finish them, i don't give enough attention to one thing, i involved in too many things, i'm rude because when somebody talking to me, i just start talking to somebody else, or i have this addiction online that i cant get rid off, or i have late night hang out and i keep missing fajr.."
"when is the last time we actually sat down and said here is what i would like to change about my life? we're so worried about the world problems, like we don't have any. and when you forget that you don't have problems, then the only fear you have is for others, you no longer have fear for yourself.."
moga bermanfaat (teruntuk diri saya sendiri) merefleks, merespons, dan menilai tindak-tanduk diri sendiri.
salam sayang!
ps: sorry for the broken english.
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