dengan dia
'sejarah' hidup bukan dengan fakta semata
tapi dengan emosi dan rasa
dia sesungguhnya mengajar
rasa itu seni
gubahan terindah
hadiah Pencipta!
kenapa sering menafikan?
mengapa selalu menidakkan?
"..look inside yourselves
such a perfect order
hiding in yourselves
running in your veins
what about anger love and pain
and all the things you’re feeling
can you touch them with your hand?
so are they really there?
lets start question in ourselves.."
such a perfect order
hiding in yourselves
running in your veins
what about anger love and pain
and all the things you’re feeling
can you touch them with your hand?
so are they really there?
lets start question in ourselves.."
291111/napoleon bonaparte/modern europe/kopanski
dengar lagu maher zain, teringat nostalgia KBS.. huhu
apepon, napoleon was at his best when he was emperor,
cumenye, some people might have had to hate, and also to like.
:) huhu look inside yourselves is the best term to calm diri sendiri rite? :)
thanks dear for such memorable entry..
[bukan nak mengampu ye..huhu :P]
ye, btul sgt. serius, umy rindu time tu. :')
utk kes napoleon, kita ambik yg +ve side. xD
ps: peliks bila intan berbaik ngan umy. ahah. adala tu. :P
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